The Planesource benchmark with Julia
The previously presented example is similar to the (in the radiation transport community) famous planesource benchmark, which has an analytic solution. We simply need to redefine the initial condition, which is chosen as a narrow Gaussian instead of a peak. To define this initial condition, it is convenient to use functions. In general, it is a good idea to call functions instead of executing plain code in Julia, since Julia is inefficient if you execute your code as a top level program. Therefore, first put your entire code except for loading of packages and plotting into a function
function runPlaneSource()
return x, Φ
Input arguments
Then, write a new function for the initial condition and use it in your code. The new initial condition takes the form
where . Write a function for the initial condition that you can call for fixed and therefore a given real scalar . Then replace your initial condition from Worksheet 1 by the above function call, which you need to evaluate at all spatial cells and all velocity points.
function IC(x::T) where T<:Real
sigma2 = 0.0009
floor = 1e-4
x0 = 0.0
return max(floor, 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * pi * sigma2)) * exp(-(x - 0.5)^2 / (2.0 * sigma2)))
We then call this function to set up the initial condition via
# setup initial condition
ψ = zeros(nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
for i in 1:nv
ψ[j, i] = IC(x[j])
If you want to check your element-wise operation skills, see if you can remove one of the for loops. This can either take the form
ψ = zeros(nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
ψ[j, :] .= IC(x[j])
ψ = zeros(nx, nv)
for i in 1:nv
ψ[:, i] .= IC.(x)
Now, note that we have fixed insice the IC
function. Very often, you want to use , but sometimes you want to change this sigma to test your code. See if you can rewrite your IC
function to include this option.
function IC(x::T, sigma2::T=0.0009) where T<:Real
floor = 1e-4
x0 = 0.0
return max(floor, 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * pi * sigma2)) * exp(-(x - 0.5)^2 / (2.0 * sigma2)))
In the same manner, we would like to change the number of spatial grid cells nx
and the number of velocities nv
. Change your runPlaneSource
function such that it can pick varying inputs for and . If no input is specified, it should pick the previously defined values.
using FastGaussQuadrature
using LaTeXStrings
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots; gr()
# definition of the initial condition
function IC(x::T, sigma2::T=0.0009) where T<:Real
floor = 1e-4
x0 = 0.0
return max(floor, 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * pi * sigma2)) * exp(-(x - 0.5)^2 / (2.0 * sigma2)))
function runPlaneSource(nv::Int=10, nx::Int=101)
# define velocity grid according to gauss quadrature
v, w = gausslegendre(nv)
x = collect(range(0, 1; length=nx))
# setup initial condition
ψ = zeros(nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
ψ[j, :] .= IC(x[j])
# create stencil matrices
dx = 1 / (nx - 1)
DPlus = (1 / dx) * Tridiagonal(-ones(nx - 1), ones(nx), zeros(nx - 1))
DMinus = (1 / dx) * Tridiagonal(zeros(nx - 1), -ones(nx), ones(nx - 1))
# create system matrices
midMinus = Int(ceil(nv / 2))
midPlus = Int(floor(nv / 2))
VMinus = Diagonal([v[1:midMinus]; zeros(midPlus)])
VPlus = Diagonal([zeros(midMinus); v[(midPlus + 1):end]])
# create scattering matrix
G = ones(nv, nv) .* w - I
# advance in time
Δt = 0.01
nT = 40
for n in 1:nT
ψ_new = ψ + Δt * (-DPlus * ψ * VPlus - DMinus * ψ * VMinus + ψ * G)
ψ .= ψ_new
# store phi for plotting
Φ = zeros(nx)
for j in 1:nx
Φ[j] = sum(ψ[j, :] .* w)
return x, Φ
# run code and store final Φ
x, Φ = runPlaneSource()
# plot Φ
plot(x, Φ, labels=L"\Phi")
You can now try out different numbers of velocities and spatial cells. See how the solution changes and think about what might be the reason for this.
You might have observed that the solution crashes if you are choosing too many spatial cells. The reason for this is that the chosen must fulfill , otherwise the method is unstable. Also, you have maybe observed that a lot of parameters cannot be changed from outside the function call and you might want to add further parameters like the end time tEnd
, the time step size Δt
or the variance of the initial condition sigma2
to the input arguments of the function. To structure the input we can create a new object, which stores all these values. As you already know, this can either be a struct
or a dictionary
Define a struct which stores all relevant information and use it as an input. Make sure that all floating point numbers are of type AbstractFloat
struct Settings{T<:AbstractFloat}
nx::Int # number of spatial cells
nv::Int # number of velocity points
nt::Int # number of time steps
Δt::T # time step size
dx::T # spatial grid cell size
tEnd::T # end time of simulation
a::T # start point of spatial domain
b::T # end point of spatial domain
sigma2::T # variance of initial condition
function Settings(nx::Int=101, nv::Int=10, sigma2::T=0.0009) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
tEnd = 0.4
a = -1.0;
b = 1.0;
dx = (b - a) / (nx - 1)
Δt = dx
nt = Int(floor(tEnd / Δt))
return new{T}(nx, nv, nt, Δt, dx, tEnd, a, b, sigma2)
Go over your code and use the variables from the struct. Now it should be easy to for example change the length of the spatial domain. Use . Make sure that the position of the Gaussian in your IC
function remains in the center.
using FastGaussQuadrature
using LaTeXStrings
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots; gr()
struct Settings{T<:AbstractFloat}
nx::Int # number of spatial cells
nv::Int # number of velocity points
nt::Int # number of time steps
Δt::T # time step size
dx::T # spatial grid cell size
tEnd::T # end time of simulation
a::T # start point of spatial domain
b::T # end point of spatial domain
sigma2::T # variance of initial condition
function Settings(nx::Int=101, nv::Int=10, sigma2::T=0.0009) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
tEnd = 0.4
a = -1.0;
b = 1.0;
dx = (b - a) / (nx - 1)
Δt = dx
nt = Int(floor(tEnd / Δt))
return new{T}(nx, nv, nt, Δt, dx, tEnd, a, b, sigma2)
# definition of the initial condition
function IC(obj::Settings, x::T) where T<:Real
floor = T(1e-4)
return max(floor, 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * pi * obj.sigma2)) * exp(-(x - 0.5 * (obj.b - obj.a) - obj.a)^2 / (2.0 * obj.sigma2)))
function runPlaneSource(obj::Settings{T}) where {T}
nx = obj.nx
nv = obj.nv
# define velocity grid according to gauss quadrature
v, w = convert.(Vector{T}, gausslegendre(nv))
x = collect(range(obj.a, obj.b; length=nx))
# setup initial condition
ψ = zeros(T, nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
ψ[j, :] .= IC(obj, x[j])
# create stencil matrices
dx = obj.dx
DPlus = (1 / dx) * Tridiagonal(-ones(T, nx - 1), ones(T, nx), zeros(T, nx - 1))
DMinus = (1 / dx) * Tridiagonal(zeros(T, nx - 1), -ones(T, nx), ones(T, nx - 1))
# create system matrices
midMinus = Int(ceil(nv / 2))
midPlus = Int(floor(nv / 2))
VMinus = Diagonal([v[1:midMinus]; zeros(midPlus)])
VPlus = Diagonal([zeros(midMinus); v[(midPlus + 1):end]])
# create scattering matrix
G = ones(T, nv, nv) .* w - I
# advance in time
Δt = obj.Δt
nT = obj.nt
for n in 1:nT
ψ_new = ψ + Δt * (-DPlus * ψ * VPlus - DMinus * ψ * VMinus + ψ * G)
ψ .= ψ_new
# store Φ for plotting
Φ = zeros(T, nx)
for j in 1:nx
Φ[j] = sum(ψ[j, :] .* w)
return x, Φ
# generate setup
settings = Settings()
# run code and store final Φ
x, Φ = runPlaneSource(settings)
# plot Φ
plot(x, Φ, labels=L"\Phi")