HPC for radiation transport
Maybe you have noticed that the number of velocities heavily effect the accuracy of the numerical solution. In radiation therapy, one needs to use a large number of spatial cells and velocities to make sure the error that we make through the discretization is small. Quite naturally, we should therefore think about how can we use modern computer architectures to speed up convergence. Take a few moments to think about how this can be done. Also, don't forget that certain parts of the program are already using many of the discussed HPC concepts automatically. So be careful when trying to speed up your code, since it might interfer with the parallelism that Julia took care of for you.
GPU Computing
In the following, we extend the Code from worksheet 2 to GPUs. First, make sure you have CUDA installed and use it in your Julia file. Now think about what datatype your GPU can handle. In case you do not have access to a scientific (and very expensive) GPU that can handle Float64
datatypes, make sure the code is using single precision floats.
# generate setup
nx = 101
nv = 10
sigma2 = Float32(0.0009)
settings = Settings(nx,nv,sigma2)
Now, make sure that all arrays that you use in the main time loop are of type CuArray
. Note that it might be beneficial to not directly perform all operations of your code on your GPU. Whenever you access indices, it might make more sense to work on the CPU. You can cast your data arrays to type CuArray
once everything is set up.
To illustrate how to move the computation to the GPU, let us look writing the initial condition. Try to run the two implementations
T = Float32
nx = 100
nv = 100
x = collect(range(obj.a, obj.b; length=nx))
# setup initial condition
ψ = zeros(T, nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
ψ[j, :] .= IC(obj, x[j])
as well as
T = Float32
nx = 100
nv = 100
x = collect(range(obj.a, obj.b; length=nx))
# setup initial condition
ψ = zeros(T, nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
ψ[j, :] .= IC(obj, x[j])
ψ = CuArray(ψ)
Which one is faster and why? Use these observations to ensure your main time loop uses GPU arrays. Once you are confident your implementation should work, run it on the GPU. And since you expect to be super fast now, why not use spatial points and velocity points? See how much the solution changes.
in the CuSparse
using FastGaussQuadrature
using LaTeXStrings
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots; gr()
using CUDA
struct Settings{T<:AbstractFloat}
nx::Int # number of spatial cells
nv::Int # number of velocity points
nt::Int # number of time steps
Δt::T # time step size
Δx::T # spatial grid cell size
tEnd::T # end time of simulation
a::T # start point of spatial domain
b::T # end point of spatial domain
sigma2::T # variance of initial condition
function Settings(nx::Int=101, nv::Int=10, sigma2::T=0.0009) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
tEnd = 0.4
a = -1.0
b = 1.0
Δx = (b - a) / (nx - 1)
Δt = Δx
nt = Int(floor(tEnd / Δt))
return new{T}(nx, nv, nt, Δt, Δx, tEnd, a, b, sigma2)
# definition of the initial condition
function IC(obj::Settings, x::T) where T<:Real
floor = T(1e-4)
return max(floor, 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * pi * obj.sigma2)) * exp(-(x - 0.5 * (obj.b - obj.a) - obj.a)^2 / (2.0 * obj.sigma2)))
function runPlaneSource(obj::Settings{T}) where {T}
nx = obj.nx
nv = obj.nv
# define velocity grid according to gauss quadrature
v, w = convert.(Vector{T}, gausslegendre(nv))
x = collect(range(obj.a, obj.b; length=nx))
# setup initial condition
ψ = zeros(T, nx, nv)
for j in 1:nx
ψ[j, :] .= IC(obj, x[j])
ψ = CuArray(ψ)
# create stencil matrices
Δx = obj.Δx
D⁺ = CuArray((1 / Δx) * Tridiagonal(-ones(T, nx - 1), ones(T, nx), zeros(T, nx - 1)))
D⁻ = CuArray((1 / Δx) * Tridiagonal(zeros(T, nx - 1), -ones(T, nx), ones(T, nx - 1)))
# create system matrices
midMinus = Int(ceil(nv / 2))
midPlus = Int(floor(nv / 2))
V⁻ = CuArray(Diagonal([v[1:midMinus]; zeros(midPlus)]))
V⁺ = CuArray(Diagonal([zeros(midMinus); v[(midPlus + 1):end]]))
# create scattering matrix
w = CuArray(w)
G = CUDA.ones(T, nv, nv) .* w - I
# advance in time
Δt = obj.Δt
nT = obj.nt
for n in 1:nT
ψ .= ψ + Δt * (-D⁺ * ψ * V⁺ - D⁻ * ψ * V⁻ + ψ * G)
# store Φ for plotting
Φ = zeros(T, nx)
for j in 1:nx
Φ[j] = sum(ψ[j, :] .* w)
return x, Φ
# generate setup
nx = 1001
nv = 1000
sigma2 = Float32(0.0009)
settings = Settings(nx, nv, sigma2)
# run code and store final Φ
x, Φ = runPlaneSource(settings)
# plot Φ
plot(x, Φ, labels=L"\Phi")