Loading data into dataframes
Data science mostly requires to work with tabular data. With DataFrames.jl
, Julia provides a set of tools for loading, exploring, and manipulating tabular data. When you are already familiar with pandas
(Python) or dplyr
(R) you will be quickly able to get started with data wrangling using DataFrames.jl
, since design and functionality are quite similar. Before we actually work with a given data set, we need to understand how to read and store it.
First of all, you need to add and load the package:
pkg> add DataFrames
julia> using DataFrames
Let us start with an empty DataFrame
julia> DataFrame()
0×0 DataFrame
It is also easy to initialize a DataFrame
with a couple of columns:
julia> DataFrame(
country=["Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"],
population=[8_917_000, 83_240_000, 8_637_000],
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ country population continent
│ String Int64 String
1 │ Austria 8917000 Europe
2 │ Germany 83240000 Europe
3 │ Switzerland 8637000 Europe
Note that the continent was given as scalar "Europe" and it is broadcasted to fill every row of the created DataFrame
In case you want to initialize a DataFrame
with names that are not valid Julia identifiers (e.g. containing spaces) you can also use the following form:
julia> DataFrame(
"country" => ["Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"],
"population 2020" => [8_917_000, 83_240_000, 8_637_000],
"continent" => "Europe"
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ country population 2020 continent
│ String Int64 String
1 │ Austria 8917000 Europe
2 │ Germany 83240000 Europe
3 │ Switzerland 8637000 Europe
And in case you already got your data in a dictionary, where the keys are Strings
or Symbols
, simply initialize your DataFrame
using that dictionary:
julia> mydict = Dict(
"country" => ["Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"],
"population 2020" => [8_917_000, 83_240_000, 8_637_000],
"continent" => "Europe"
Dict{String, Any} with 3 entries:
"population 2020" => [8917000, 83240000, 8637000]
"continent" => "Europe"
"country" => ["Austria", "Germany", "Switzerland"]
julia> DataFrame(mydict)
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ continent country population 2020
│ String String Int64
1 │ Europe Austria 8917000
2 │ Europe Germany 83240000
3 │ Europe Switzerland 8637000
Also note that the data types of the columns are printed below the column name.
Working with real data
To get things more exciting, let us take a look at real data. Stack Overflow provides annual developer surveys. We will have a look at the latest available data set from 2021. Please download this file and extract it into your workspace. Note that besides the actual data there is also a file which describes the contents of the dataset.
The filename is survey_results_public.csv
and the extension indicates that the file format is a comma-separated values file. Thus, we need a package that is able to handle CSV-files. Luckily there is CSV.jl which makes it easy to load a file into a DataFrame
. All we need to do is adding and loading CSV
. Then we can read the data by using DataFrame
as sink
(second argument). sink
? How do we even know that such a thing exists? It is always good to consult the manual first:
pkg> add CSV
julia> using CSV
help?> CSV
search: CSV
CSV provides fast, flexible reader & writer for delimited text files in various formats.
• CSV.File reads delimited data and returns a CSV.File object, which allows dot-access to columns and iterating rows.
• CSV.read is similar to CSV.File but used when the input will be passed directly to a sink function such as a DataFrame.
• CSV.Rows reads delimited data and returns a CSV.Rows object, which allows "streaming" the data by iterating and thereby has a lower
memory footprint than CSV.File.
• CSV.Chunks allows processing extremely large files in "batches" or "chunks".
• CSV.write writes a Tables.jl interface input (https://github.com/JuliaData/Tables.jl) such as a DataFrame to a csv file or an in-memory
• CSV.RowWriter creates an iterator that produces csv-formatted strings for each row in the input table.
Here is an example of reading a csv file and passing the input to a DataFrame:
using CSV, DataFrames
ExampleInputDF = CSV.read("ExampleInputFile.csv", DataFrame)
Here is an example of writing out a DataFrame to a csv file:
using CSV, DataFrames
ExampleOutputDF = DataFrame(rand(10,10), :auto)
CSV.write("ExampleOutputFile.csv", ExampleOutputDF)
help?> CSV.read
CSV.read(source, sink::T; kwargs...) => T
Read and parses a delimited file or files, materializing directly using the sink function. Allows avoiding excessive copies of columns for certain
sinks like DataFrame.
Equipped with this knowledge we are now ready to load the file:
julia> df_survey = CSV.read("survey_results_public.csv", DataFrame)
83439×48 DataFrame
Row │ ResponseId MainBranch Employment Country US_State UK_Coun ⋯
│ Int64 String String String String String3 ⋯
1 │ 1 I am a developer by profession Independent contractor, freelanc… Slovakia NA NA ⋯
2 │ 2 I am a student who is learning t… Student, full-time Netherlands NA NA
3 │ 3 I am not primarily a developer, … Student, full-time Russian Federation NA NA
4 │ 4 I am a developer by profession Employed full-time Austria NA NA
5 │ 5 I am a developer by profession Independent contractor, freelanc… United Kingdom of Great Britain … NA England ⋯
6 │ 6 I am a student who is learning t… Student, part-time United States of America Georgia NA
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
83435 │ 83435 I am a developer by profession Employed full-time United States of America Texas NA
83436 │ 83436 I am a developer by profession Independent contractor, freelanc… Benin NA NA
83437 │ 83437 I am a developer by profession Employed full-time United States of America New Jersey NA ⋯
83438 │ 83438 I am a developer by profession Employed full-time Canada NA NA
83439 │ 83439 I am a developer by profession Employed full-time Brazil NA NA
43 columns and 83428 rows omitted
The first thing we notice when working with real data is that there is more data than you can fit on one screen. So let us look at a couple of methods which help us to get an overview. names(df_survey)
gives us list of columns:
julia> names(df_survey)
48-element Vector{String}:
Unfortunately, the vector has too many elements and also gets summarized. The full output can be shown with show
julia> show(names(df_survey))
["ResponseId", "MainBranch", "Employment", "Country", "US_State", "UK_Country", "EdLevel", "Age1stCode", "LearnCode", "YearsCode", "YearsCodePro", "DevType", "OrgSize", "Currency", "CompTotal", "CompFreq", "LanguageHaveWorkedWith", "LanguageWantToWorkWith", "DatabaseHaveWorkedWith", "DatabaseWantToWorkWith", "PlatformHaveWorkedWith", "PlatformWantToWorkWith", "WebframeHaveWorkedWith", "WebframeWantToWorkWith", "MiscTechHaveWorkedWith", "MiscTechWantToWorkWith", "ToolsTechHaveWorkedWith", "ToolsTechWantToWorkWith", "NEWCollabToolsHaveWorkedWith", "NEWCollabToolsWantToWorkWith", "OpSys", "NEWStuck", "NEWSOSites", "SOVisitFreq", "SOAccount", "SOPartFreq", "SOComm", "NEWOtherComms", "Age", "Gender", "Trans", "Sexuality", "Ethnicity", "Accessibility", "MentalHealth", "SurveyLength", "SurveyEase", "ConvertedCompYearly"]
Let us assume that we are conducting a little study on the income of different developer roles and therefore we are only interested in the columns: ["Age", "Country", "ConvertedCompYearly", "DevType", "Employment", "Ethnicity", "Gender", "OrgSize", "YearsCode"]
. Unfortunately, ConvertedCompYearly
is not further described within the dataset schema but it is reasonably fair to assume that this reflects the annual income in dollars. Selecting various columns works with the df_survey[!, cols]
julia> selcols = ["Age", "Country", "ConvertedCompYearly", "DevType", "Employment", "Ethnicity", "Gender", "OrgSize", "YearsCode"];
julia> df_survey[!, selcols]
83439×9 DataFrame
Row │ Age Country ConvertedCompYearly DevType Employment ⋯
│ String31 String String15 String String ⋯
1 │ 25-34 years old Slovakia 62268 Developer, mobile Independent contractor, freelanc ⋯
2 │ 18-24 years old Netherlands NA NA Student, full-time
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
83438 │ 25-34 years old Canada 816816 Developer, back-end Employed full-time
83439 │ 18-24 years old Brazil 21168 Developer, front-end;Developer, … Employed full-time
5 columns and 83435 rows omitted
Do we notice that something odd happened? ConvertedCompYearly
apparently is stored as a String15
(meaning a String
with fixed length of 15 letters) column. Taking a closer look at the data and/or CSV file, this is due to NA
being used as text in the CSV file. We obviously want this column to be of type Integer
(to be more precise of type Union{Integer, Missing}
) and the NA
s should be missing
instead. If we would have known about this earlier, we could have corrected this right at the start when reading the dataframe. This also counts for various other problems that often occur with this file format. Non-standard separation character, different symbols for writing decimal numbers to just name two. Reading the manual of CSV.read
tells us how we should read the data correctly and we can tell the function that we only want to read specific columns:
julia> df_survey = CSV.read("survey_results_public.csv", DataFrame; missingstring="NA", select=selcols)
83439×9 DataFrame
Row │ Employment Country YearsCode DevType OrgSize Age ⋯
│ String? String String31? String? String? Stri ⋯
1 │ Independent contractor, freelanc… Slovakia missing Developer, mobile 20 to 99 employees 25-3 ⋯
2 │ Student, full-time Netherlands 7 missing missing 18-2
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱
83438 │ Employed full-time Canada 5 Developer, back-end 20 to 99 employees 25-3
83439 │ Employed full-time Brazil 14 Developer, front-end;Developer, … I don’t know 18-2
4 columns and 83435 rows omitted
Since ConvertedCompYearly
is not displayed in this last output, we will take a look at the data type of the column by applying eltype()
julia> eltype(df_survey.ConvertedCompYearly)
Union{Missing, Int64}
With the type Missing
Julia provides support for representing missing values in a statistical sense. This is useful since many functions within the data science ecosystem offer options for dealing with missing
entries, for example by allowing to skip them like in the reduction functions mean()
or median()
of the StatsBase.jl
package. Find more information about this type in the Julia documentation.
Let us also have a look at the types of the rest of the columns. This unfortunately is a bit technical:
julia> collect(zip(names(df_survey), eltype.(eachcol(df_survey))))
9-element Vector{Tuple{String, Type}}:
("Employment", Union{Missing, String})
("Country", String)
("YearsCode", Union{Missing, String31})
("DevType", Union{Missing, String})
("OrgSize", Union{Missing, String})
("Age", Union{Missing, String31})
("Gender", Union{Missing, String})
("Ethnicity", Union{Missing, String})
("ConvertedCompYearly", Union{Missing, Int64})
Let us split up the call collect(zip(names(df_survey), eltype.(eachcol(df_survey))))
and explain each part:
the function
creates a vector-like object that allows iterating over each dataframe column,by using
we applyeltype()
to each column,this returns a vector of column types but unfortunately we can not see the according column names,
to also get the names we use
ties together the -th column name with the -th column type, but this function also returns an iterator which can not be printed immediately,finally
returns an array of all items within that iterator.
, YearsCode
and OrgSize
probably should also be of a numeric type. By applying unique()
to each of these columns we will receive an array containing the unique elements within these columns. This helps us to explore the content and decide whether the columns' need to be converted to another data type. Check if the type of the columns is correct. julia> show(unique(df_survey.Age))
Union{Missing, String31}["25-34 years old", "18-24 years old", "35-44 years old", "Prefer not to say", "45-54 years old", "Under 18 years old", "65 years or older", "55-64 years old", missing]
julia> show(unique(df_survey.YearsCode))
Union{Missing, String31}[missing, "7", "17", "3", "4", "6", "16", "12", "15", "10", "40", "9", "26", "14", "39", "20", "8", "19", "5", "Less than 1 year", "22", "2", "1", "34", "21", "13", "25", "24", "30", "31", "18", "38", "More than 50 years", "27", "41", "42", "35", "23", "28", "11", "37", "44", "43", "36", "33", "45", "29", "50", "46", "32", "47", "49", "48"]
julia> show(unique(df_survey.OrgSize))
Union{Missing, String}["20 to 99 employees", missing, "100 to 499 employees", "Just me - I am a freelancer, sole proprietor, etc.", "10,000 or more employees", "10 to 19 employees", "1,000 to 4,999 employees", "500 to 999 employees", "5,000 to 9,999 employees", "2 to 9 employees", "I don’t know"]
using CSV, DataFrames
selcols = ["Age", "Country", "ConvertedCompYearly", "DevType", "Employment", "Ethnicity", "Gender", "OrgSize", "YearsCode"]
df_survey = CSV.read("survey_results_public.csv", DataFrame; missingstring="NA", select=selcols)